Guards Polo Club

Playing Membership

Playing Membership of Guards Polo Club allows you the opportunity to play on some of the finest polo fields anywhere in the world.

Thanks to excellent grounds maintenance Guards Polo Club offers polo when other clubs cannot. With an array of Club-only tournaments, plus reduced entry fees to some of the most important polo tournaments in the world, a player’s badge is truly coveted.

All prospective players must be recommended by a current playing member and be interviewed by the Director of Polo and the Chairman.

To find out more please email the Polo Office.

Benefits at a Glance
  • Access to some of the finest polo fields in the world - at Smith’s Lawn, Flemish Farm and Coworth Park
  • Guards Polo Club hosts some 600 matches in a season, delivering great games at all handicap levels
  • Chukkas three times a week, plus Club matches throughout the season for Club patrons and their professionals
  • Stabling and grooms accommodation, including exclusive use of the Martin Collins-designed all-weather track at Flemish Farm
  • Extensive hospitality opportunities for family and friends to complement your sport
  • Opportunities to play at prestigious polo clubs throughout the world
  • Excellent discounts off lessons and training camps from the Guards Polo Academy

Guards polo club
Playing Membership Fees
Patron Joining Fee £45,000
Home Elected Player
(Full playing member entitled to play all domestic tournaments, Club matches and chukkas, plus opportunity to be part of a Guards Home team for the purposes of open tournaments and to benefit from associated discounts for the entry fees) £12,500
Overseas Home Elected Player
(Entitled to same benefits as HEP members if the joining fee has been paid in full along with associated subscription of 50% of the HEP subscription in the respective year. The limitation of this category is that the overseas player does not play more than one calendar month at the Club in one stretch and not collectively. There is no limitation on the level of polo played and the player can benefit from reduced entry fees for Guards teams in open tournaments if played within the one-month restriction) £8,580
Professional Player £8,890
Chukka /Senior Membership £6,250

At Smith’s Lawn